Defection Games | A Dan Gordon Intelligence Thriller by Haggai Carmon

Defection Games
(Dan Gordon Intelligence Thrillers)

Time has changedPaperback – November 12, 2013

Time has changedPaperback – November 12, 2013

Defection Games (Dan Gordon Intelligence Thrillers)

There’s a war being fought, but it’s just below the surface and away from the media’s gaze. It’s the civilized world against the theocratic pariah state of Iran — a race to stop their development of a nuclear weapon. 

That’s where Dan Gordon, an Israeli lawyer and former Mossad agent now contracted by the CIA, comes in. He is an indefatigable lone wolf, never safe from hostile moves even by those he should trust. He is undeterred, and hurdles he successfully overcomes are only preludes to new ones.

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Dan is assigned with the dangerous and sensitive joint CIA / Mossad mission: to extricate from Iran a defecting general with a trove of intelligence golden nuggets. 

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Triangle of Deception (Dan Gordon Intelligence Thrillers)

Triple Identity (Dan Gordon Intelligence Thrillers)

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Haggai Carmon

About the Author

Haggai Carmon is an Israeli lawyer who has been representing the United States Government in civil litigation cases in Israel since 1985. He has also worked as a covert agent, gathering intelligence for the US government in over thirty countries. After years of intelligence work, Carmon came to realize that his real-life exploits were more compelling than most of the crime fiction he enjoyed, and thus found an outlet for his extraordinary adventures in his first novel Triple Identity, first published in 2009.He has since followed up with four more books in the Dan Gordon Series: The Red Syndrome, Triangle of Deception, The Chameleon Conspiracy, and Defection Games. In addition to his career as a lawyer and writer of spy thrillers, Carmon is a frequent contributor to The Huffington Post and The International Tribune and is the author of the nonfiction book Foreign Judgments in Israel: Recognition and Enforcement.

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Cras eu ante ullamcorper, feugiat mi eu, sodales justo. Sed non lorem ut lacus congue tempus. Praesent fringilla ipsum id mauris semper, vel commodo enim ultrices. Donec lorem mauris, faucibus ut rhoncus a, posuere sed erat. Praesent in est eu enim elementum finibus eget nec purus. Nullam egestas lacinia velit, quis viverra lorem.

Testimonial #2 Designation

Cras eu ante ullamcorper, feugiat mi eu, sodales justo. Sed non lorem ut lacus congue tempus. Praesent fringilla ipsum id mauris semper, vel commodo enim ultrices. Donec lorem mauris, faucibus ut rhoncus a, posuere sed erat. Praesent in est eu enim elementum finibus eget nec purus. Nullam egestas lacinia velit, quis viverra lorem.

Testimonial #3 Designation

Cras eu ante ullamcorper, feugiat mi eu, sodales justo. Sed non lorem ut lacus congue tempus. Praesent fringilla ipsum id mauris semper, vel commodo enim ultrices. Donec lorem mauris, faucibus ut rhoncus a, posuere sed erat. Praesent in est eu enim elementum finibus eget nec purus. Nullam egestas lacinia velit, quis viverra lorem.

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